To delete emails in Yahoo Mail, you can:
• Delete old emails: Use the Find messages search bar, select the Advanced arrow, fill out the Date field, and click Search, select all emails then tap bin or delete
• Automate cleanup: Create rules in the Filters settings to define criteria and actions
• Use an email client: Use an email client like Edison Mail to mass delete emails
You can also stop spam emails in Yahoo by:
1. Checking the box on the left of the sender’s name
2. Clicking More (three dots) next to Spam in the top toolbar
3. Selecting Block senders from the dropdown menu
4. Verifying your decision in the dialog box
To delete emails in Hotmail, you can:
• Right click on the inbox and select Properties
• Switch to the AutoArchive tab, and select: Archive this folder using these settings
• Choose how old you want the emails to be then click Permanently delete old items
To delete emails in Gmail you can:
• Type in the search bar ‘older_than:1y’, press enter
• Then select all the emails displayed